Mar 23Liked by Jamie Schler

As always, many thanks for another enlightening post, Jamie! As an aside, I find it interesting how much in common some standard French dishes share, between for instance Boeuf Bourgignon, Coq au Vin, and Navarin d'Agneau. Some differences of course, but so much in common too!

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Mar 23Liked by Jamie Schler

Jamie, this looks delicious, and I must try it out. However, I'll add at least the specified amount of turnips, as my wife and I love them. As an old dear family friend used to say, "That's why they make chocolate AND vanilla, honey." Her exact words, which I remember her by. (Well, that and her cheating at cards.)

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Mar 23Liked by Jamie Schler

Thanks very much indeed for your writings.

I find so much of what’s written about ‘food history’ in cookbooks to be pure BS, so for me therefore it’s a real pleasure to read well and comprehensively researched articles such as yours.

You’re a scholar and a gentleman sir; more power to your elbow.

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deletedMar 23Liked by Jamie Schler
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