Jul 22Liked by Jamie Schler

What a wonderful post! Thank you. I so look forward to part 2.

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Oh Greg! Thank you!!

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You've done it again, Jamie! So appreciate you sharing your work like this!

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Such an interesting in-depth post about eclairs that I’m just reading with delight knowing I can continue right on to the recipes in part 2. It’s wonderful, Jamie—and I agree that no one would need another eclair flavor after tasting coffee and chocolate!

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the eclair is my favorite pastry as far as I remember. In Quebec city we had a shop called Kerulus

I can still smell in my mind the store and the eclairs , My favorite was the Maple eclair with the vanilla filling or the maple filling. this is why ii wanted to add this comment the eclair is the most consume pastry in France and for good reason , I got this information on Gemini , AI can be cool!

Calculated pastry market: $29.2 billion (bakery market) * 20% (assumed pastry share) = $5.84 billion (pastry market size)

Important Caveats:

This is a very simplified model with a large assumption about pastry market share.

Eclairs aren't the only pastry sold, so their exact contribution is unknown.

Very Rough Estimate: If we further assume eclairs capture even a small fraction (say 5%) of the pastry market, then daily sales could be in the millions (assuming even distribution throughout the year).

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Chocolate cream chocolate eclair is my favorite

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Yum! I look forward to it. My late dear mother made eclairs a few times during my childhood, but didn't pipe the batter, she used a spoon. After baking she'd slice the top off and fill it with pastry cream (or maybe it was vanilla pudding -- she was never a fancy cook!) before setting its cap back on. I don't remember anything else, apart from how we regarded them as such a treat.

Eclairs were a favorite purchase from the bakery from time to time.

(And back to the original paragraph quotation: I've only been to Dinan, and have such fond memories of a 24-hour visit with my grandson. What a lovely town.)

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You are committing food genealogy right there! Love it.

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