Your research is amazing. How many cookbooks (and related) do you own?

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I own quite a few old cookbooks but I access hundreds online thanks to France’s national library who has digitalized them!

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I really enjoyed this article- I love the history of food. Will be making the strawberry chocolate mint tart. Thank you! 💚

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Thank you so much for subscribing, Siobhan! I’m happy you love food history too! Do let me know when you’ve made the tart and how you like it! It’s really one of my favorite recipes!

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I'm hope to make it today with a few little tweaks for my diabetic daughter. Will let you know how it goes!

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I'm really excited! Yay!

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Wonderful piece of writing and that dessert… oh my!!! On my list of must bake.

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Thank you so much, Sheryl! And thank you for subscribing! You must definitely make this strawberry tart (though the strawberries in wine are great too!) but make sure you let know!

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Always delicious and me wanting more.

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Thank you, Greg!!

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I really want to try some of these "more violent wines" about which Mr. Bacon writes.

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The tart looks lovely and easy to make, too. Have been enjoying small, red, luscious and juicy strawberries here in Italy. When I think of what Driscoll has done to the beautiful, sweet tender strawberry I want to cry, it’s such a crime.

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It's funny you say that, Domenica. I just started seeing Driscoll berries being sold here and bought some of their blueberries. They were absolutely tasteless.

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The worst. As big as apricots, white and pithy inside, absolutely no taste. Their blueberries and raspberries are as big as cherries and are also flavorless. They have really ruined fruit.

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Bigger is not better. But somehow Americans have come to associate bigger with better. I bought a bag of organic plums from Giant (Nature’s Promise). They have zero taste. 😡😢

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Driscoll is nothing more than commercially available in supermarkets and nothing to write home about.

A fruit stand locally owned is always better.

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Love me some violent wine on the weekend lol

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Im more an opium and niter kinda girl.

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